The heart valves do not receive any blood supply, so leukocytes can not reach the valves via the bloodstream. Normally, the blood flow prevents such infections. However, if the valve is damaged, for example by rheumatic fever or after a surgery, it is much easier exposed to pathogens.. Inflammation in the mouth, for example by poor oral hygiene, is a major cause of endocarditis. Usually streptococcal species are found as a pathogen. Another group is formed by the staphylococci which are located on the skin and are often the cause of endocarditis in as intravenous drug users. The risk of endocarditis is increased in patients with prosthetic valves and cardiac implantable electronic devices.
Diagnosis of infective endocarditis according to the modified Duke criteria (ESC guidelines 2015).
The diagnosis of infective endocarditis is made in the presence of at least:
- 2 major criteria.
- 1 major and 3 minor criteria.
- 5 minor criteria.
Therapy The main treatment in infective endocarditis consist of prolonged administration of antimicrobial drugs. Surgery is indicated in patients with heart failure, uncontrolled infection or as prevention of systemic embolism.
Guidelines Endocarditis prophylaxis of the Dutch Heart Foundation.